

This year has made many people rethink
how they work and travel.

What percentage of people expect to work from home in the future?


But for a new group - 23% - working from home has only become an option since COVID-19, and it’s something they intend to continue into the future.




of employed respondents say COVID-19 has made them rethink how they travel to and from work.

The United Kingdom

What’s the data for your area?
Explore our interactive map.



But what does “rethinking travel” actually mean?

What percentage of people will be more cautious on public transport?



will use buses less often


will use trains less often


will use the Tube/ Metro transport less often

Gen Z
Gen Y
Gen X

Select your generation to see how the data changes.

So what's the potential economicimpact on public transport?

What percentage of season ticket and travel card holders are unsure about renewing their season ticket?


That's a potential loss of revenue of...

London Underground & Rail

(based on 2019 season ticket revenue of £1.72bn LUL and £2.12bn Rail divided by 37% of respondents saying they will not renew their season tickets when the economy returns to normal.)

So are people just moving from public transport to their cars?




Only 14% predict they will use their cars more.

That rises to…


in large cities



expect they will use their cars less

What does this mean?

People who live in cities will use their cars more than those in rural areas. But 39% is still a large proportion of people who are looking for alternatives to using their cars.


The next 5 years – The Active Travel Revolution

In the meantime, a whole generation has rediscovered cycling.


of bicycle owners from the generation selected below say they used their bicycles more than usual during COVID-19.

Gen Z
Gen Y
Gen X

Click to see how that response changes for different generations

But is this an emergency solution or a lasting trend?


of bicycle owners say they will use their bicycles more often in the long term.


of non-bicycle owning respondents would be interested in buying a normal or electric bike for commuting.

So, where do you think the government should spend to get the country moving again?

Active Travel Infrastructure


Promoting Electric Vehicles


The Rail System


Road Maintenance


See how your response matches our survey findings.


The next 10 years – Arrival of the…


Has COVID-19 made autonomous transport more appealing?


say COVID-19 has made driverless concepts more appealing, because there is potentially less need for human interaction.

Gen ZGen YGen XBoomers 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 50 48 35 23

But are people ready for completely driverless cars?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your comfort with fully autonomous cars?

1-2 - very uncomfortable


3-5 - moderately uncomfortable


6-8 - moderately comfortable


9-10 - very comfortable


Now see which generations shared your response.

See how the different generations responded to our question:
“on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your comfort with fully autonomous cars?”

Gen ZGen YGen XBoomers 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 28 31 39 57











How positive or negative are people towards autonomous transport?

Interestingly, 33% of our respondents classify as Autonomous Alarmists (they’re actively not keen on the idea) – only 23% of our respondents supported the concept of autonomous transport.





How is that positive or negative response broken down across the generations?
Use the slider below to see Supporters and Swing Voter responses versus Rational Sceptics and Alarmists.

13% 28% 25% 34% Emotional Rational Negative Positive

Keen Supporters

Swing Voters

Emotional Alarmists

Rational Sceptics

Gen Z

Gen Y

Gen X


Only 28% of Gen Z respondents feel ambivalent about the idea of self-driving vehicles.


Gen Z


Gen Y


Gen X



So how could the idea of an autonomous future be made more positive?

By focusing on it not as a trend, but a technology revolution that can fundamentally change people’s lives for the better. People want this technology to be citizen-focused rather than consumer-focused.


of the people we asked said that ‘providing accessible services to the vulnerable (such as the elderly)’ was the most important application of autonomous vehicles.

From that 49% who felt that ‘providing accessible services to the vulnerable’ was the most important application, see how the responses varied across generations and emotional responses.

50% 53% 37% 49% Emotional Rational Negative Positive

Keen Supporters

Swing Voters

Emotional Alarmists

Rational Sceptics

Gen Z

Gen Y

Gen X



Gen Z
Gen Y
Gen X

of people would find sitting in traffic less frustrating if they were able to concentrate on other things

So what's the takeaway from this?

Our survey revealed the key is to promote autonomous vehicles using the benefits - not the technology. This can include benefits to the individual as well as to society as a whole.

And there’s still room for the ownership model.


say their preferred way to access autonomous transport would be a privately-owned self-driving car.

Gen ZGen YGen XBoomers 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 59 61 62 60

But only 28% would choose to purchase, all others would prefer subscription or pay-per-use models.

How would you choose to own an autonomous car?

See how your responses match with our data study

Buying your own vehicle


Annual / monthly subscription


Per-use charge


Subscription with set allowance + per use charge


Will autonomous transport mean the end for traditional car brands?

Probably not.

While connected autonomous vehicles may fulfill a transport need, they don’t fill psychological needs of status and fulfilment. It looks like there will still be a market for aspirational purchases, especially among younger generations.


of Gen Z would still want to own an aspirational car, even if their everyday transport needs were affordably covered by autonomous transport.

What about you?

If autonomous transport covered your everyday needs, what would you still choose to own?

Aspirational Car


Utility Car


Recreational Vehicle


Electric Recreational Vehicle


Which generation are you? See if your views match your generation's opinions.

Gen Z
Gen Y
Gen X

Want access to the full report? Contact us for a copy.